Eliminating systemic cyber-SecuRity risks

  • ROBUST’s unique software makes it ideal for building systems that structurally avoid the fundamental design flaws of today’s applications, ones that create cyber-security vulnerabilities.
  • Its Player-based architecture prevents unauthorized attackers from logging in.
  • Even if an attacker achieve access, s/he will not be able to intercept or understand the content.
  • Even if the attacker is able to access the field device, s/he cannot access the Server.
  • Even if the attacker is granted entrance to the server, s/he cannot access data for which he is not authorized. Each ROBUST Player has a personal database containing only his data. It is architecturally impossible to access the data of another Player without his authorization.


Today’s applications store their data in a nameless way. To use the data, programmers must write application software that identifies it. Hackers use this as a means to inject their code to launch malicious actions. In contrast, the ROBUST’s software engine automatically identifies each piece of data in advance. It thereby eliminates the need to write application code in order to use the data. In fact, the ROBUST engine removes the means to do so at all.

Internal monitoring & isolation

Today, an application operates as a ‘black box’. It does not provide security software with any visibility into what it is doing. Security software can merely ‘second guess’ from the outside whether the application’s actions are legitimate or not. The level of protection this process can provide is, by definition, quite limited.

In contrast, the ROBUST software provides a built-in ‘monitor’ inside the application. At all times it knows who is allowed to do what. It tracks all activities. When it detects an inappropriate application request, it isolates it and neutralizes it so that it cannot propagate.